3 minute read

Generate FAQs in minutes with this AI tool

Written by
Marty Youssef
Updated on
December 13, 2022
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Are you stuck writing your FAQs (frequently asked questions) for your website?

You're not alone.

Writing FAQs can be a tedious and time-consuming process for any business launching their website online. It can often take days or even weeks to develop a comprehensive list of FAQs.

Fortunately, we recently discovered a solution that can help you generate your FAQs in minutes. It's called Jasper and it uses the power of AI to help you generate FAQs quickly and easily.

In this article, we will walk you through how you can quickly generate FAQ ideas with Jasper and how you can use them to create a comprehensive list of FAQs that will help your customers find the answers they are looking for quickly. We will also show you how you can create FAQ schema so they show up on Google search.

Stay tuned!

How to use the FAQ generator?

Jasper's FAQ generator is incredibly easy to use. All you have to do is enter in a few key words that relate to your business and the AI will generate a list of potential FAQs that can help you create an answer bank for customers quickly.

Step 1 - Sign up for a free jasper account

The first step is to sign up for a free Jasper account. It only takes a few minutes and you also will receive 10,000 free words if you use our link below.

Step 2 - Find the FAQ Generator template

Once you have registered an account, the next step is to visit the FAQ Generator which is located in the template section of your dashboard.

Jasper FAQ Generator Template

Step 3 -  Enter a topic

In the FAQ Generator template, you will notice three fields. The first field will require you to add a topic for the AI to use. For our example, we wanted to write FAQs for our fake lemonade company, Marty's Lemonade. So in the topic field we entered the name of our business Marty's Lemonade company.

Jasper FAQ Generator Topic

Step 4 - Enter a tone of voice

Next, tell Jasper what type of tone of voice you'd prefer for these FAQs. In our example, we selected professional, however you can choose from a range of tones such as witty, friendly and a whole lot more.

Jasper FAQ Generator Tone of Voice

Step 5 - Enter the number of questions

Finally, you can tell Jasper the exact number of questions you'd like it to generate for you. In our example, we selected 8.

Jasper FAQ Generator Questions

Step 6 - Generate your FAQs

Now you can simply hit the 'Generate' button and Jasper will produce a list of FAQs you can now use for your website. It's really that simple!

Jasper FAQ Generator Results

How do I create a FAQ schema?

You've learnt how to generate FAQs for your website in the last section. However, you should also consider having these FAQs show up as rich snippets on Google when people are searching for your good or service.

An FAQ schema helps Google identify the list of questions and answers pertaining to a particular topic on your FAQ page. If properly marked up, these FAQs may be eligible to have a rich result on Search and an Action on the Google Assistant.

To successfully implement the FAQ schema, you should follow Google's FAQ structured data guidelines.

Google FAQ Schema Rich Results
Example of FAQ rich text (source: Google)

Wrap up

There you have it! Generating FAQs for your website doesn't have to be hard. With the help of Jasper's AI-powered FAQ Generator, you can quickly create a comprehensive list of answers that will help your customers find what they need without having to search through pages and pages of content.

And if you want your FAQs to show up as a rich snippet on Google, you should also make sure that they are implemented with a FAQ schema. This will help search engines identify your list of questions and answers and potentially show them up in the search results.

So what are you waiting for? Get started with Jasper's AI-powered FAQ Generator today!

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